written by
Scott Power

Ronnie Pirovino: The Collector Embracing the New Creative Economy [Podcast]

Podcast 1 min read

Everyone is talking about NFTs—but what do they really mean for artists and art collectors?

Today, you’ll hear from Ronnie Pirovino, a widely recognized collector, curator, and appraiser who hails from Denver, Colorado. After his art collection grew to prominence, Ronnie left his successful career in digital advertising to focus on his passion for art. Today, his pursuits encompass a variety of entrepreneurial projects, including NFTs, which he believes are positioned to restructure the creative economy.

He has partnered with Christie’s on Trespassing, an ongoing series of auction sales that trace graffiti’s influence on contemporary art, and he acts as chief curator at LGND.art, an innovative platform built by artists, for artists, at the intersection of art and technology. He is also well-known as the world’s largest collector of KAWS artworks.

As you’ll discover in today’s episode, Ronnie helps artists and organizations understand and navigate the emerging world of NFTs and Web3. He’s a passionate advocate for making the NFT space accessible to everyone, not just the crypto natives. Tune in as NOT REAL ART founder Scott “Sourdough” Power and Ronnie dive into ownership, security, and the growing responsibility that artists have to actively engage with their audiences. You’ll also learn how to meet the challenges of the new creative economy with vigor, embracing the many possibilities it presents.

Ronnie Pirovino: LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter

All photos published with permission of the artist(s); photo credit: Melinda Jae.

nft web3 creative economy creative entrepreneur art collector curator technology art appraisal