It’s that time of year again. As November 3 approaches, Americans are lining up to cast their ballots in the 2020 election. This year there’s enough political unrest and pandemic-induced anxiety to leave a sour taste in even an eager voter’s mouth. But with the recent explosion of civil rights activism, we face another opportunity to ask ourselves: Can we agree on our fundamental American values?

We might not be able to come up with a clear answer by election day, but a new art exhibit could give us a roadmap. Indivisible 2020: United We Stand / Divided We Fall is a virtual exhibition featuring today’s most exciting voices in political art. The show opens October 24 with a Zoom reception starting at 12pm PST.
Curated by political artist and 2019 Not Real Art Grant recipient Karen Fiorito, Indivisible 2020 is a joint effort between Crewest Studio, Sugar Press Art and Not Real Art. The show features work from 19 world class artists:
Andrea Arroyo, Linda Lyke, Gabe Gault, Edward Colver, Jonmarc Edwards, Kalynn Campbell, Kay Brown, Man One, Leroy Johnson, Ted Meyer, Karen Fiorito, Erin Yoshi, Miles Regis, Anna Stump, Linda Vallejo, Marinus Vandenberg, M Sherwood Brock, Olive 47, Joshua Wattles

Each artist submitted work on themes of equality, human rights, and freedom of expression. Their work invites viewers to celebrate strength through unity in a divided political landscape. And, you can hear participating political artist Leroy Johnson discuss his thoughts about the show on our podcast by clicking here.
The show is curated by artist Karen Fiorito, whose work appears in Art in America, Hyperallergic, Art Forum, and ArtNews.
Indivisible 2020: United We Stand / Divided We Fall opens with a Zoom reception on October 24 at 12 p.m. The show will run through January 20, 2021 on Indivisible’s website.
RSVP for the opening night event here.