written by
Scott Power

Favianna Rodriguez, Anne Martin + The Power of Print with Erin Yoshi

Podcast 4 min read

For women, the time is now. Today Erin Yoshi begins her month-long takeover of the Not Real Art Podcast with a focus on uplifting women in the arts. We kick things off by finding out a little more about Erin, who is a creative strategist that paints stirring murals. As a curator, producer, former nonprofit executive, and now podcast host, Erin interviews two raw and powerful women for today’s episode: Favianna Rodriguez and Anne Martin.

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To start, listeners will learn about Favianna’s journey through art and how it has served a way for her to express her experiences and the struggles of the oppressed. We then find out from Anne about her own history in art, the intricacies of printmaking, and the substantial value that comes with it.

Following this, we tuck into the subtle and not-so-subtle undertones of Favinanna and Anne’s artwork before we unpack why prints can be so empowering. Both Favianna and Anne open up on the democratizing nature of prints and why tier value to society is misunderstood. After packing away print myths, Anne shares takeaways from her successful print clients. She expresses the importance of brand while Favianna doubles down on how artists can create fellowship.

Toward the end of the episode, Favianna and Anne share their personal stories and touch on their respective vocational endeavors: The Center for Cultural Power and Sugar Press, respectively. To hear more on the power of print, women and marginalized empowerment, education, and wealth generation, be sure to join us today!

Favianna Rodriguez
Favianna Rodriguez
“Since I was a kid, art was a way for me to express myself and to delve into my imagination.” — @favianna [0:04:25]
“I was part of a long tradition of painters who would use murals to communicate our pride and struggles.” — @favianna [0:07:12]
Ann Martin
“I knew I wanted to do something on my own and was bouncing around different ideas. Then I heard about this sugar paper that is made from the byproduct of sugarcane — leftover stocks turned into paper. Five minutes later I said the words: sugar press.” — Anne Martin [0:24:15]
“It’s democratic to reach more people. Not everyone can afford to buy $1,000 worth of art. Why wouldn’t you want your work to be able to speak to and live with people who can only afford a $50-100 poster?” — Anne Martin [0:18:06]
Erin Y0shi
“Greetings and salutations my creative brothers and sisters, welcome to the Not Real Art Podcast, where we celebrate creative culture and the artists who make it. I’m your host, Erin Yoshi. For the month of March — International Women’s Month, I’m doing a podcast takeover to uplift women’s voices in the arts. In an effort to create the world we want to see and bring equality to the art world, I’ve kindly asked Man One and Sourdough to step aside this month, and allow for myself, a woman of color to take the reigns. To their loyal fans, don’t worry, they will return after a month-long sabbatical refreshed and ready to go.” — @erinyoshi [0:00:36]

Key Points From This Episode with Favianna Rodriguez, Ann Martin and Erin Yoshi:

  • Our exciting changes for the month of March.
  • Introducing your takeover host, Erin Yoshi!
  • A little bit more about Erin.
  • We welcome our guests Favianna Rodriguez and Anne Martin.
  • Favianna on the social justice undertones in her work.
  • Anne talks about her early art experiences.
  • Favianna walks us through her printmaking process.
  • Why printmaking does not devalue work and is still authentic.
  • Printmaking and its power of accessibility.
  • Anne’s takeaways from clients who are successful in prints.
  • The relationship between art and followship.
  • Anne talks about the ethics behind Sugar Press.
  • Favianna shares details on The Center For Cultural Power.
  • How Favianna has become a successful artist.
  • Anne shares insight into how her artist clients have created their success.
  • Favianna’s recipe for success.
“The more that the artist is able to articulate why the artist makes the work they do — that’s how you build a relationship with your followers.” — @favianna [0:21:14]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

“As artists, people are watching you, and we can influence beyond what we make.” — @favianna [0:22:30]