Events & News 1 min read

With Thanksgiving over and the holiday season rapidly approaching, the deadline for our 2024 grant cycle is also drawing near. Founded in 2019, the grant is one of our flagship programs and a true cornerstone of our work in the creative industry. Once again, we are delighted to offer financial backing to six self-driven artists with a no-strings-attached award package of $2,000.

Applications for the 2024 NOT REAL ART grant are open to artists 21+ working in any 2D or 3D medium. Applicants must live and work in the United States and may not apply if they are a previous recipient of the NOT REAL ART grant. Please note: Our formerly annual grant now occurs every two years.

Along with financial support, each winner receives publicity, including an interview on our podcast and a full-length feature published on NOT REAL ART. “The money is great, but the grant is also about audience and promotion,” says Scott “Sourdough” Power, NOT REAL ART’s founder and publisher. “We want to give artists a platform for their work, let them tell their stories, and make them feel seen.” We welcome impactful ideas from marginalized communities, underrepresented voices, and work that operates outside the standard gallery or museum system. The grant will remain open until midnight (PST) on Jan. 1, 2024.

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of judges who are experts in their fields in the visual arts. Judges for the 2024 NOT REAL ART grant cycle include graffiti wunderkind Man One, arts writer Morgan Laurens, and intellectual property rights lawyer Joshua Wattles, among others.

Read our advice for submitting, then apply to the 2024 NOT REAL ART grant here. Bonne chance!