written by
Scott Power

The Creative Economy: Knowing Your Worth in Today’s Financial Ecosystem [Podcast]

Podcast 1 min read

Here’s something you may not know: artists and creative entrepreneurs form part of a nearly 2 billion dollar segment of the global economy. For those who want to negotiate their place in this complex financial ecosystem, understanding an artist’s true economic value is absolutely critical.

In today’s podcast episode, brought to you by your ever-faithful host and founder, Scott “Sourdough” Power, you’ll learn to appreciate (and evaluate) the unique value you have to offer the world. “When you know what you’re worth, you have more leverage,” Scott says. “You’re more empowered to hold firm and negotiate better deals for yourself.” Join us as we take a look at a global study on the economic and social contribution of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) to the world economy and discuss some of its key takeaways.

While quantifying the value of creativity might be an exercise in subjectivity, there are a number of objective tools and techniques you can use to help determine what your time is worth. Tune in to this week’s special episode with Scott to find out more.

art podcast creative economy creative business creative entrepreneur creative community artist resources