written by
Scott Power

Art World Horror Stories 2022 [Podcast]

Podcast 1 min read

Halloween is right around the corner, which means we’re back with our infamous Art World Horror Stories series. We’re not talking about ghosts, ghouls, and goblins though—in today’s podcast episode, you’ll hear some truly terrifying tales from artists who brave the ugly side of the art world.

You’ll hear about malicious gallery owners, neglectful shipping companies, and one graffiti artist’s very stinky encounter on the streets of San Francisco. “It could happen to anybody,” muses host Scott “Sourdough” Power. “That’s what art world horror stories are about. That’s why we want to share them, because it could happen to you.”

Presented by NOT REAL ART’s parent company, Crewest Studio, Art World Horror Stories is a podcast about bad things that happen to good artists. In today’s crossover episode, we delve into the spine-chilling stories usually reserved for the spookiest podcast in Crewest’s network.

While we’d rather gobble down treats than suffer through tricks, these stories offer insight into some of the baddies you’ll encounter in the art world. So dim the lights and settle in with a mug of cider or a few fun-size Snickers—we’ve got a few stories to tell.

Got an art world horror story of your own? Call the NOT REAL ART hotline at 833-668-7325 and tell us about it!

halloween art podcast horror stories