Today’s show is all about why art is important. If you’re listening to this podcast, you probably believe, as we do, that art, creativity, and artists are essential to making this world a better and more interesting place. Because art is subjective, why art is important differs according to personal opinion. That is why today’s episode includes the voices of 18 different artists, who each share their thoughts on why we need art in our lives.
Who are these 18 artists, you ask? Well, many of you know that we have an artist’s grant in partnership with Art Share L.A., the Not Real Art Grant. We have awarded $2,000 to six artists annually for the last three years and, in 2021, we saw a 485 percent increase in applications. That means 827 artists applied! This episode is dedicated to 18 of those applicants, who left audio messages about why they believe art matters. Tune in to hear their perspectives.

“Especially with this time of 2020, [art] has been my outlet. Even in the midst of everything, it allows me to document my story in a very artistic way, to make sure my legacy lives on and that I can give joy and light to the world.” — Debõrah Hughes [0:11:43]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
- Not Real Art Grant —
- Man One —
- Man One on Twitter —
- Scott “Sourdough” Power —
- Not Real Art Conference —
- Not Real Art on Instagram —

“Art is important to have in life because it reminds us that we are currently experiencing life.” — Courtney Lamb [0:08:19]
“Life is boring and follows rules and asks you to follow a certain set of footprints. Art says you can create your own footprints.” — Noa [0:03:19]
“[Art] helps us see the unlimited power of the human mind and the beautiful ability to transform our space and keep expanding.” — Ana Rendich [0:04:17]

“This is why we’re here. This is why we exist. This is why you’re listening right now, why I’m talking right now, because we all love art. We all believe that art and artists and creativity and creatives and creation and creators and makers are essential to making this world a better place and a more interesting place and a more human place.” — Scott “Sourdough” Power [0:00:53]
“If life is important to you then art is important to you because life is art is life. Now if you want to differentiate between a regular old life and intentional art, whether it’s how you paint, how you dance, how you rap and sing, how you slap that bass, how you interact with people in relationships, how you grieve, how you make love. WowArt is of the utmost importance because, in the flow of art, we become the creator of our moment. We are reminded of the deity within us all.” — Liesel [0:05:00]