written by
Scott Power

Laugh Gallery: When Comics Do Art

Events & News 1 min read

“…A group of sculptural works that aims at a void that signifies precisely the non-being of what it represents...” — Art D. Lurr

Um, what?

Ugh! Enough with the incomprehensible art-speak already. It’s pretentious and turns people off.

You know what we’re talking about — gallerists, dressed in black, who call you “dahhhhhhling” and say ridiculous things about art (see above quote) just so they can feel better about themselves and charge you more money.

At NOT REAL ART, we think the pompous art population is insufferable and that art should be way more accessible. We think comedians are the answer to this problem. So, we are teaming up with veteran comic, Katie Love to see if comedians can use humor to celebrate art and the artists who make it and have some much-needed fun in the process!

If you’re a comedian who enjoys visual art and has something funny to say about it, we want to hear from you. We are seeking comics for a fun, new way to experience art, which we call the Laugh Gallery!

Comics are already heeding the call to bring the funny and help us enjoy art in a whole new way. Just check out what these hilarious comic / art enthusiasts are saying about the art they love:

Laugh Gallery Artists

Teddy Margas
Sean Grant
Lisa Gopman
Katie Love
Priestess Karen Renee
As you can see, the ethos of Laugh Gallery is good-natured! This isn’t one of those mean reality shows where contestants cry and get voted off Van Gogh Island. (No need to Google that. It’s not real.)

This is a performance art experience that marries two beloved creative genres: comedy and art. We think comics and visual artists should have been hanging out all along!

So, if you’re a comic who loves art and you want to “show” and “hang” at the Laugh Gallery, submit your video here. Good luck, and don’t call us ‘dahhhhhhling’!