With International Women’s Month just around the corner, we decided to dedicate today’s show to previewing the exciting month we have ahead.
As our guest and official occasional-co-host, Erin Yoshi joins us today to talk about what makes next month so special and how she is going to bring an edge to the Not Real Art podcast.
We kick things off by finding out what Erin enjoys about hosting podcasts, as she tells us how each guest offers something unique in every episode. Following this, we talk to Erin about joining us at the Not Real Art podcast on a more regular basis and brainstorm how our future together might look. Returning to International Women’s Month, we then dive into the shows you can expect in March, as Erin gives us snippets about themes and guests you can expect to hear from.
“If anything, hosting podcasts made me feel very motivated for new possibilities. I really loved it; I had fun on each episode, and each one was totally different from what I thought it would be in my mind.” — @erinyoshi [0:05:54]
Adding to this, Erin talks about why it is so important for women to not only be given voice and opportunity during International Women’s Month but throughout the year as well.
We draw the episode to a close by touching on how Erin’s latest project is going. Listeners will find delight in her intriguing medium of choice: billboards. To find out about the critical messages these billboards will carry, be sure to join us in the episode!

Key Points From This Episode with Erin Yoshi:
- What you have to look forward to on our podcast during March.
- How Erin Yoshi is going to celebrate and honor the power of women on our show.
- Erin talks about her enjoyment of hosting podcasts.
- We ask Erin if she will add podcasts to her collection of mediums.
- Erin’s take on becoming an occasional-co-host on the Not Real Art Podcast.
- Sourdough and Erin brainstorm Women’s Month and how they’re going to celebrate it.
- What Erin has learned from the women she has interviewed.
- Sourdough and Erin talk about the relationships they have with their partners.
- Erin previews some of the Women’s Month guests for the Not Real Art podcast.
- Some of the topics Erin covers with her Women’s Month guests.
- Why it’s important to give women opportunities.
- How video can add a whole new dimension to podcasts.
- Erin shares an update of her latest project.
- Why Erin chose to use billboards as a medium.
“It’s really exciting for women to hear women’s voices during March, because it’s a time in the year we actively pause and celebrate women.” — @erinyoshi [0:14:25]
“Our guests for Women’s Month are all dynamic and brilliant. They are collaborators of mine, good friends as well. But each one is so different.” — @erinyoshi [0:28:41]
“Opportunities breed experience. If you don’t give women opportunity, they won’t get experience, and without experience they don’t get opportunity. It’s a cycle.” — @erinyoshi [0:31:22]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
- Man One — http://www.manone.com/
- Man One on Twitter — https://twitter.com/ManOneArt
- Scott “Sourdough” Power — https://www.instagram.com/sourdoughpower/
- Not Real Art Conference — https://www.notrealartconference.com/
- Not Real Art on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/notrealartworld/
- Erin Yoshi — https://www.erinyoshi.com/
- Erin Yoshi on Twitter — https://twitter.com/erinyoshi?lang=en
- Favianna Rodriguez — https://favianna.com/
- Anne Martin — https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-martin-7ba94042/
- Channing Dungey — https://twitter.com/channers3
- Warner Brothers Entertainment — https://www.warnerbros.com/company
- Dr. Judi Bacha
- UCLA — https://www.ucla.edu/
- Gloria Muriel — https://www.gloriamuriel.com/
- Amanda Lynn — http://lunarienne.com/artists/amanda-lynn
- Mariella Aras
- Nancy Pili Hernandez — http://www.trustyourstruggle.com/a/about/nancy/
- Cece Carpio — https://www.cececarpio.com/
- Trust Your Struggle Collective — http://www.trustyourstruggle.com/a/
- Heidi Johnson — https://www.heidijohnsonpaintings.com/
- Maria Jenson
- To Be Visible
“As you guys have been hearing me talk about March — International Women’s Month — and with it being so close we are going to celebrate in a big way. I’ve been telling you about the fact that we have Erin Yoshi, the one and only, to take over the podcast in March to help us celebrate and honor the power of women. We’ve asked Erin to take over the show for the whole month, and she is going to sit down with powerful women, tell their stories, and inspire us. She has six incredible episodes with 11 amazing women.” — Sourdough [0:00:54]