written by
Scott Power

Newbie: The Veteran Burner Decompressing From This Year’s Party on the Playa [Podcast]

Podcast 1 min read

As many of you know, your faithful host of the NOT REAL ART podcast, Scott “Sourdough,” Power, has just returned from the Nevada desert, where he and tens of thousands of others experienced all the weird, wild, and wonderful happenings that made Burning Man 2022.

After an event of this scale and magnitude, it’s important to decompress. There are all sorts of decompression parties and events to help Burners relive the magic of the Burn as they readjust to the “default world.” On today’s episode, Scott speaks to a few of these intrepid explorers as they go through the decompression process. You’ll hear from Newbie, a fellow podcast pro and Burner from the HeeBeeGeeBee Healers camp, who recounts her experience at this year’s Burning Man.

Every Burner, regardless of their level of experience, encounters a whole host of peculiar emotions in the days and weeks it takes to reintegrate into the “real world.” You’re not alone! Join us as we relive the strange synchronicities, serendipitous interactions, and magical moments that make Burning Man what it is.

art podcast burning man newbie decompression nevada desert