Imagine pairing spring green trousers with a princess pink sweater. Or an electric orange jumpsuit with a pale lavender blouse. Combining colors that clash may be bad news for your wardrobe, but it’s sheer genius in the design world.
Color is an essential element in branding and design. It conveys personality, expresses emotion, and communicates unconscious ideas in ever-expanding ways. Recently released by UK publishers Counter-Print, Colour Clash explores the use of color in contemporary graphic design. The softbound book is packed with examples of color pairings that shouldn't work in theory, but pop from the 200-page Colour Clash with undeniable appeal.

These offbeat palettes surprise, delight, engage, and challenge us to think of color as groundbreaking and visionary in its own right. The designers who appear in Colour Clash use color in innovative ways, breaking established industry rules to propel their work into new artistic highs. The book repudiates color theory as stodgy academic fare, suggesting that using and experiencing color can be fun as well as meaningful.
With book photography by Thom Atkins and a Forward by Jon Dowling, Colour Clash features work from leading lights in the design industry, including Cheng Peng, Duane Dalton, León Romero.
Combining colors that clash may be bad news for your wardrobe, but it’s sheer genius in the design world.

Counter-Print: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Purchase Colour Clash
All photos published with permission of the artist(s).
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