Referring to his digital portraits as 'cultural landscape paintings,' Samuel Rodriguez likens his process to that of a rapper sampling their favorite...
Working with a glut of restrictions over the pandemic, NYC-based photographer Elisheva Gavra challenged herself with a series of somber self-portraits...
‘Luxury’ Adjacent, a group exhibition at MASH Gallery, pokes fun at the more ridiculous aspects of consumer culture, in all of its artificial, materia...
Digital photographer James Welling applies unnatural color to Greek and Roman statues, a choice that shreds contemporary assumptions about race and an...
Chicana artist Sonya Fe presents ‘Three Blocks from Dogtown,’ a biographical solo show exploring the cultural issues affecting our most vulnerable cit...
Batia Lowenberg creates carnivalesque paintings that bring opposing realities together. Her series ‘Big Pop’ sees the artist continue her deep dive in...
Emerging artist Ryoko Kaneta creates manga-style artwork that plays on an ancient Japanese philosophy: that god dwells in all beings throughout the un...
Los Angeles-based artist Alice Yuan Zhang uses interactive technologies to explore immigrant myths of the American Dream and investigate notions of ho...