Incorporating sound, video, and projection into her work, emerging artist Ophelia Arc explores psychic rot, ritualistic obsession, and parasitic tende...
In celebration of the horror films that lure us in with breathtaking design and rich cinematography, we're sharing our favorite nightmares on celluloi...
On the podcast, host Scott ‘Sourdough’ Power chats with Marka27, who believes collaboration, advocacy, and uplifting stories are key to rewriting tire...
Inspired by jazz and modernist composers, Thomas Brodhead’s ‘Chromatic Geometry’ series pokes fun at our collective obsession with screens and social...
Described as an ‘environmental imagineer,’ James Hsieh uses soft textiles to create an alternative version of nature, plucked directly from his subcon...
To celebrate all things spooky this Halloween, NOT REAL ART has concocted a collection of artists whose work unveils the things that go bump in the ni...